The Path to 

Financial Freedom


Learn how to overcome your Mindset Blocks, Strategies to get you out of debt 

Quicker to help You start enjoying your money. 

“Debbie saved me! We started working on a budget that actually made sense for me, tracking spending, and made a plan to tackle my debt in a strategic way so I wasn't just throwing money at it with no real progress. Now I finally feel in control of my finances. Best decision I made in 2023!! 


Does this sound like you?


You work hard for your money but have no idea where it's going.


You are not living a lavish lifestyle but you somehow keep getting further into debt.


You make payments to your credit card debt but the balances don't seem to move.


You would love to financially feel financially confident but don't know where to start.


You want to learn to budget but you don't want to feel restricted or limited so you put it off just to find you are deeper in debt.

“Money has always been a source of fear and anxiety for me.  As part of my healing, I decided to hit this fear head on and scheduled my introductory session with Debbie.  I knew after that session that this was a match! From her budgeting strategies and intuitive tools to inspiring coaching sessions, I found my financial cheerleader.  Week after week my mindset and financial outlook transformed. She met me where I was at and I am forever grateful.  Best.Investment.EVER.”

Julie R.

You'll Walk 

Away With…


Feeling financially confident for the 1st time.


Learning how your money mindset has been holding you back and creating self doubt.


Breaking through old spending habits that have been sabotaging your finances.


Creating a flexible budget that is easy to manage so you never feel restricted.


Learn the importance of having habits in place to support your budget so you always feel in control of your money.


Creating a personalized strategy to tackle your credit card debt & save thousands on interest.


Knowing how to increase your credit score so you never pay high interest again and save money.


Learning how to protect yourself from being the victim of credit card fraud & identity theft.


Create a Game Plan of your financial goals so you continue to reach them as you reach financial freedom.


Learn how to leverage high interest rates to your advantage to generate wealth.

Here's What 

You Get:


Starts: June 25th  


Total Investment: $1,950

(8 payments OF $245)




Weekly 60 minute Group Coaching Sessions 


Monthly 1:1 60 minute Coaching Sessions so you have a customized budget and debt payment strategy


Access to budget, debt and goal setting templates


1:1 Voxer Support (so you are fully supported…I've got you!)


BONUS: Access to my monthly financial support (or community) group so you continue to meet your goals!

“Debbie helped me dive deep into money mindset, create a strategy that worked for me and my lifestyle, and come up with a plan that would help me moving forward. Since working with Debbie, I have saved thousands of dollars in interest rate fees and I have created a budget that I've been sticking to. Debbie never made me feel shame toward my debt but rather made me feel more confident with my current financial situation. She makes things simple and fun! ”

kIM c.

Are You Ready To…

Stop feeling stress, fear and anxiety when it comes to your finances.

Finally become credit card debt free.

Feel financially confident for the first time.

Travel without feeling that you're going to just get further into debt.

Reach your financial goals and never worry about the next emergency around the corner and not being prepared.



Money Coach

I know what it's like to not feel financially confident.  

I know what it feels like to be drowning in credit card debt and not know where to start!

I was in $48,000 of credit card debt in 2016 after getting out of a toxic marriage and not knowing anything about how to manage money.

The day that I decided that something had to change…was the beginning of my new life.

In 2 years I was credit card debt free and started my Youtube channel to help others do the same.

I was shocked to see the amount of women that reached out to me for help.  That started my Money Coaching business.

I know that what works is to have a budget that is flexible and easy so you start reframing the way you feel about money.

Having a restrictive budget…doesn't work - that's why you've probably failed at budgeting before.

I help my clients start enjoying managing their money for the 1st time.  We strategize how to pay off your debt quickly by attacking the interest 1st!

I'm not a certified financial advisor - I'm a wife and mom of 3 kids who knows what works. I've helped over 100 women become financially empowered and reach financial freedom!

If you're tired of feeling defeated when it comes to your money…let me show you how you can not only succeed but enjoy the ride! 

Did you know that…the two biggest assets you have in life is your income & time.  How long are you willing to wait and how much more money are you going to lose?  It's time for a change!

Quit Letting Your Dreams Stay Dreams.

It's time to stop procrastinating managing your money…take the first step towards a bright financial future!